School Meals

The lunchtime catering is provided by Independent Catering Limited.

Each day every child has a variety of meal options, a dessert and unlimited bread and salad from the salad bar. There is of course unlimited water to accompany the meal.

To help Independent Catering planning ahead, we would like all families to select the meals for/with their child via ARBOR by the start of each term. If you have any questions, please contact the school office.





Mayor of London Universal Free School Meals

Mayor of London Universal Free School Meals

In the 2023-24 academic year all students in Years 3-6 will receive free school meals. Parents/Carers don’t need to do anything to register for the scheme.

This is a letter to all parents/carers from the Mayor explaining the scheme.

Ufsm poster 2023

Free School Meal Extension - Letter from the Mayor

If you have any queries or you would like to discuss any aspects of the school meals order process, please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 0208 546 7388 or email [email protected].