At Robin Hood our school culture and ethos is: Inspiring individuals to learn well and thrive.
Our school values are at the core of everything we do:
Ready, Resilient and Responsible
They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an inclusive environment which prepares our pupils as confident and happy citizens. All children are encouraged to succeed and be the best they can be, they take pride in developing their knowledge and skills, talents and a love of learning.
Our values in action
At Robin Hood we show the values of ready, responsible and resilient through kindness, respect, honesty, tolerance, curiosity, and self regulation. When things go wrong, we may need help to bounce back and put things right - we call this our restorative practice, always repairing, restoring and improving our relationships and our community.
We encourage children to talk about and reflect on their behaviour and actions through the lens of our school values.

Coombe Academy Trust is committed to ensuring outstanding leadership at all levels underpinned by the values of Collaboration - Ambition - Trust.
Bespoke professional development ensures lifelong learning for all staff in an environment where success at all levels is recognised and celebrated.
In turn this provides a high standard of inclusive education for our children and young people, one in which their lives are enriched with meaningful opportunities and achieves the best possible wellbeing and academic outcomes.
In short, this ensures children and young people leave Coombe Academy Trust well prepared for their next stage in life and education, and prepares them for a world of opportunity.
At Robin Hood we work to help all children understand their own values, the values of the school and also the fundamental British Values.

We actively promote British values in Robin Hood Primary and Nursery school.
Democracy – what do we do? |
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Voting for the election of our House Captains, Vice Captains and Class Ambassadors -
Help pupils to express their views, both orally and in writing -
Provide opportunities for parents, carers, pupils and staff to feedback on aspects of our school and how we can further improve -
Class voting for rewards and activities to participate in as a class -
Provide opportunities for pupils to make their own decisions during their free time -
Teach pupils how to recognise and present both sides of a debate -
Model how perceived injustice can be appropriately challenged |
Rule of law – what do we do? |
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Teach our pupils the Rights of a Child as part of the Rights Respecting Schools programme -
Reading class novels which illustrate the consequences of breaking rules and the benefits of following them -
Emphasise the importance of our school policies, such as our Safeguarding, Behaviour and Attendance Policies including how they help protect us all -
Teach our pupils the importance of fairness and the difference between right and wrong at every stage in their development -
Create our own sets of class rules, which pupils agree to adhere to -
Require adherence to a staff code of conduct at all times -
Provide opportunities for pupils to experience ‘rules in real life’ (e.g. through teaching about road safety and cycling proficiency) -
Teach the importance of rules through our sports curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities |
Individual liberty – what do we do? |
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Teach pupils the importance of body boundaries and personal space through our PSHE curriculum -
Teach pupils about their rights and responsibilities as part of a Rights Respecting School -
Provide a broad and rich curriculum which includes participation in creative acts of self expression such as art, dance, music and drama -
Celebrate achievements in a range of areas to celebrate the unique talents of our community -
Seek input from pupils, parents, carers and staff on aspects of our school -
Support our pupils and their families to ask for help and support when needed -
Adhere to a uniform policy and staff dress code which is inclusive for all -
Enable our pupils to contribute positively to their local community and beyond |
Mutual respect – what do we do? |
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Deliver whole school assemblies to explore the protected characteristics of the 2010 Equality Act and to actively challenge stereotypes -
Reward respectful behaviour in our weekly assemblies -
Adhere to robust policies and procedures for tackling prejudice, harassment and bullying -
Tolerance for those with cultural differences and beliefs to our own – what do we do? |
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Our RE curriculum provides our pupils with a good understanding and respect for a range of religious beliefs and customs -
Explore a variety of cultures through the novels we study and stock in our library |
Click here to see the whole school assembly exploring personal, school and British values.