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PTA The Friends

The PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) aims to help enhance our children’s education, through fundraising to provide extras for the children and also to bring people together and keep the great sense of community going in the school.

Every parent/guardian with children at the school is a member of the PTA and it is hoped that they will get involved to some extent during the course of their children’s time at the school, whether it be at committee meetings (usually one every half term), helping at events or just attending events to help make them a success.

Class Representatives

Class representatives play an important role within the class and liaise between the class teacher and the parents. There are usually 1 – 2 class representatives in each class. You remain a class representative for your child’s class as they progress through the school, unless you wish to resign or another person/s wishes to fulfil the role.

The Role of Each Class Representative

  • Each class holds a cake sale and raffle once a year and class representatives, in liaison with the teacher, need to organise this.

  • We would like the class representatives to attend the PTA meetings – but this is optional.

  • Help to recruit volunteers for PTA events.


AGM Minutes 2024