
The admissions authority for Robin Hood Primary & Nursery School is the Coombe Academy Trust.

Our admissions are handled by Kingston upon Thames Council and details are given below, together with the specific arrangements for Robin Hood Primary & Nursery School.

Reception - Year 6

RHPNS adheres to the Coombe Academy Trust Admissions Policy, as set out in the Robin Hood Primary and Nursery School Admissions Arrangements attached below. We have two classes in each school year from Reception to Year 6, we also offer Nursery education as detailed below. The criteria in the policy is applied for each application. We accept children from neighbouring boroughs. Please click on the link below for up to date information and how to apply.

Kingston Council Admissions Arrangements

You have a legal right to appeal against a decision not to offer your child a place.

Please refer to the School Admissions Arrangements for guidance, at the bottom of this page.


Nursery Provision

At Robin Hood Primary and Nursery School, the children are at the centre of all that we do. We offer high quality provision that we are very proud of. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and what we plan for the children is led by their interests and needs. The children follow a carefully structured play based curriculum where they have daily access to both indoor and outdoor learning. During their time with us your children are encouraged to become independent learners who are keen to challenge themselves and explore the world around them.

All children are entitled to 15 hours funded learning and care within an Early Years setting from the term after they turn 3 years old (Universal 15 hours funding).

At Robin Hood Primary and Nursery School we currently offer those 15 hours during morning sessions from 9am-12pm.

A limited number of additional (government funded/self-funded) sessions beyond the 15 hour universal nursery entitlement are available. These sessions take place within the Nursery environment.

The hours of these additional sessions are:

Lunch club 12pm-1pm

Afternoon session 12pm-3pm

To check your eligibility for the additional 15 hour funding (for the afternoon sessions) please follow this link to the childcare choices

The cost of these sessions as self funded are:

Lunch club £6.50

Afternoon session £18.00.

If your child stays for lunch they can bring a packed lunch or you can purchase a school dinner.

Further information is available in the Nursery Admissions policy.

To apply for a nursery place, please collect an admission form from the school office or download from the attached PDF and return to the School Office.

To find out more information on applying for Nurseries together with key dates and access:

Download the Kingston Nursery Education Booklet